Raw Animated Textures and Glitches

After Effects Templates

Raw Animated Textures and Glitches
After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, Davinci Resolve and more | File Size 7.1 GB

For filmmakers & live show artists to add some raw grit and texture to their next project. Original Handscanned textures.
Perfect as backgrounds, alpha channels, overlays & live show visuals.

Over 55+ Animated Loops (Prores .MOV’s)
40+ High Resolution Textures (.PNG)
Supplied with After Effects Texture Maker File
Ideal for Overlays/Displacement Maps/Backgrounds
5 Videos have Alpha Channels
10+ of the Videos are Glitch Backgrounds.

Extremely easy to use! These are drag and drop files that you can place directly in the timeline.
To add your own colours use effects such as "tint" or "hue & saturation"

Get instant access to over 60+ abstract textures. These are supplied as transparent pngs so you can simply drag and drop onto your next project.

Whats included
55+ Animated Loops
7 Abstract Loops
6 Raw Texture Loops
16 Film Dust Loops
5 Finger Print Loops
14 Glitch Loops
9 Misc. Loops
Compatible with all video editing software

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