Sigma - Clean Logo Reveal - After Effect Template (RocketStock)

After Effects Templates

Sigma - Clean Logo Reveal - After Effect Template (RocketStock)
After Effects Version CS6+ | 1920x1080 | No Plugin | 59,40 MB
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5 Unique Logo Reveals.Sigma is a minimal, clean logo reveal using vivid colors and playful animation. It’s fresh, simple, and sophisticated. The pack includes 5 unique animations so you’re guaranteed to find the look you need.

Easy Customization
Each version of Sigma includes the ability to add a logo and customize text. Just import your logo, edit your text and you’re good to go. And, customizing colors couldn’t be easier. Select your style and see the changes instantly. Video tutorial included!

After Effects CS6+
No Plugins
30 fps

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03.04.2016 admin ae, After, Footages, Project, Effects, AEP 866